The VRC is dedicated to raising awareness of our environmental and sustainability initiatives and partners, as part of our overall corporate social responsibility charter. 

In 2007, we introduced a Sustainability Charter to guide all staff and suppliers in their operations at Flemington Racecourse.

Since 2008, with the assistance of our sustainability partners, Flemington has developed initiatives intended to achieve the highest standards in responsible event and venue management, delivering tangible reductions to the environmental impact of our operations, especially the Melbourne Cup Carnival.

Victoria Racing Club is a proud founding member of the Sports Environment Alliance (SEA).

The SEA is committed to do more with less, working to ensure sustainability in the places in which we engage in sport and play.

The VRC contributes by sharing our knowledge and building networks to enhance the industry’s engagement in the clean economy, allowing us to more effectively manage the changes and reduce harm to our natural environment.


VRC Sustainability Charter

Sustainability and the VRC Vision:

  • To be a leader in world racing and represent best practice in event management and entertainment.
  • In pursuing this vision, the VRC is committed to attaining the highest standards in environmental performance.
  • Our vision is based upon balancing the needs of the environment and local community with that of our operations and which achieves best practice in sustainable event and venue management.


To achieve this vision, the VRC will manage its operations in accordance with the following objectives:

  1. Ensuring that the Melbourne Cup Carnival, by embracing the principles of sustainable event management, further enhances its status as a treasured Australian icon.
  2. Continually improving the efficient use of resources, particularly water and energy, and minimising the use of chemicals and consumables.
  3. Continually improving the management of our waste materials and effluents.
  4. Managing the Flemington Racecourse, gardens and facilities as a world leading venue and ensuring its sustainability as a profitable, community asset.
  5. Engaging with the local community on the impact of our operations.
  6. Ensuring the conduct of our events sets the highest standards for responsible event management, including the safety of our staff and all participants.
  7. Engaging with stakeholders so that they can better understand the contribution they can make to the delivery of our vision for sustainability.